Thermally Broken Embed Plates

  • EM-BOLT’s thermally broken models use the standard EM-BOLT plate in conjunction with Armatherm’s ½” FRR Structural Thermal Break Material.

  • Armatherm FRR structural thermal breaks are fastened to EM-BOLT® prior to site delivery to minimize assembly in the field. The only exception to this is when a ledger angle is connecting to BEP-1 plates, and it is necessary for the thermal pad to be proud of the concrete wall to hold the ledger angle off the face of the cold concrete.

  • Once installed, the face of Armatherm’s FRR thermal break will be flush with the face of concrete, and will not impact the length of the steel beams connecting to the plate.

  • The thermally broken EM-BOLT plates are available in all the same sizes as the standard models.

  • Like the standard EM-BOLT plates, the thermally broken models are also completely customizable to meet the needs of unique projects.
EMBOLT_Eagles Nest
EM-BOLT BEP-3Ts at Eagles Landing, Champlain College, Burlington, VT.